At Joy Worthy we believe that gathering people together creates “Joy” in and of itself. Our objective is for each class to be more than just a class. We want it to create a moment of joy for you!

It might be 2 hours of sanity for the working mom.

A new friend for an empty nester.

A date night that rekindles a flame.

It may be a memory made with mom or dad that’s irreplaceable.

Or a girls night that becomes a memory you talk about for years to come.

Joy Worthy is so much more than a creative workshop. It’s a place to gather as a community, build relationships and share experiences!

Joy Worthy Co. started as a daydream I had about 7 years ago. Just thinking about it would light a fire in my soul.
However, year after year I found myself making excuses not to start it. After having my son, Hudson, the best freaking kid ever (some might say I’m biased, you’re totally right!). Joy Worthy Co. seemed even farther out of reach. I found myself a divorced single parent working at a classic 8-5 (that I wasn’t super passionate about) to support my kiddo… but also spend as much time with him as I could. Oh the double edged sword of single parenting: making enough money vs. making enough time. There’s never enough of either.

I was dealing with fear of failing at marriage, failing as a parent, failing others. I had been taught that living a certain lifestyle would lead to happiness. However, the more I focused on these made up “expectations”, the more I lost the real authentic me. The creative me. The JOYful me. Who is passionate about helping others, loves painting outside and can’t get enough of her kid’s laughter…who dances offbeat in the kitchen & likes to experiment with new recipes at 2am. Who loves to get the girls together and would rather hang out on the beach than in a club.

One day, after reading “You Are a Badass” by Jen Sincero, it finally hit me- failure shouldn’t be feared.

When I faced failures, they didn’t defeat me. I overcame them. I learned from them. I changed for the better.

I was so done with being held back by my own fear. Its now or never I thought. I can live my whole life wanting to create this magical company that brings people joy through creativity and connection… or I can continue to drudge on in this career. It will succeed or fail and I’m good with either. That moment changed everything. I left my job, sold my house and started Joy Worthy Co.

It’s easy to lose your sense of self in this demanding world. Sometimes we just need a reminder that we are worth our own efforts, failures, time and love. I started Joy Worthy to remind people of that.

At Joy Worthy I combine creative activity with emotional intelligence (think wine and design mets a TEDx) in hopes of bringing others together and giving people space to be their authentic selves, a simple reminder to let yourself experience joy in the moment. Each workshop is an affirmation that we all deserve more joy in our lives.

Such a fun experience. My daughter enjoyed herself so much! Lauren is so patient, professional, and very upbeat. I highly recommend her classes.


It was such a fun experience! You really get to be artistic with a touch of self reflection. It was heart warming to see the messages that others made for themselves and to learn more about yourself and what brings you JOY! Do yourself a favor and take the class and bring a friend!!